All the Required Components a Manufacturer Needs
Indiana continues to rank first among states in the percent of its workforce engaged in manufacturing, and Logansport is a manufacturing leader. Logansport is ideally located in the nation’s auto corridor with several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and assembly facilities serving the auto and truck manufacturing industry are located within a one-day (600 mile) truck drive. Our transportation assets offer endless shipping options for all types of manufacturers making it easy and cost-effective to get the raw materials, parts, and other supplies in and finished products out to markets in all directions quickly.
We have the people you need, too. With a long history of manufacturing, Logansport understands the needs of today’s manufacturers and continues to prepare its workforce with the required skills. We’ve built strong training programs in our schools to keep the labor pipeline full of workers with skills in advanced manufacturing, machining, automotive technology, engineering, and welding, to name just a few.
Community leaders have also worked with area utilities to keep costs low for businesses and are happy to work with new and expanding manufacturing interests to identify powerful economic incentives to help them reach their cost goals.
Indiana is a right-to-work state, and workers here are well-satisfied. They bring to their jobs a deeply-rooted work ethic and an understanding that when their employer succeeds, they succeed – a fact illustrated by Indiana’s unionization rates, which are well below the national average.
Click on the link below to see the kinds of manufacturers that now contribute to the thriving economy in Logansport and Cass County, Indiana.